Oakland County Launches #OakAlert: Emergency Alert System

It’s almost impossible to detect when an emergency is going to happen. But that doesn’t mean we can’t take a proactive approach to handling emergency situations.

This week, we announced the launch of OakAlertOakland County’s electronic alert system that enables and empowers the public to be aware of extreme incidents in Oakland County. This FREE service is geared towards providing accurate and helpful information to concerned citizens, businesses, and governmental agencies.

OakAlert iPad


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Affordable Care Act Help

It’s been making headline news lately and we want to make sure you know what it’s all about and that there’s more to the discussion than just the issues with their website.

In March 2010, Congress enacted the Affordable Care Act (commonly referred to as Obama Care), which established the Health Insurance Marketplace. Under this law, most Americans must have health coverage in 2014 or they will pay a fee if they do not qualify for exclusions. Some parts of the law are now in place, other parts are being phased in later. Many key parts of the law take effect in 2014.

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